PREMIER CULTE | PRIER, JEÛNER: 2 CLÉS indispensables pour avoir accès à la puissance | 1/12/2025.
WORLD VISION CHANGE FOUNDATION HAITI ... S.O.S FOR CHILDREN -Currently in Haiti, many children are deprived of father and mother. They are on their own. They are starving, they have no access to school, nor a hot meal a day, clothes for their bodies, medical care, no leisure, no house to live in. Hope for Hopeless through World Vision Change Foundation is asking for your help to assist these children in difficulty. Showing that same love for little ones is that RS-HOPE FOR HOPELESS is all about. We have a monthly budget of $10,000.00 That budget supports every day food - teachers' payroll - children's clothing - doctor's visit for their health. With a monthly commitment of $10.00 - $12.00 - $15.00 $20.00 or more can make a big difference and bring joy to these desperate children. If God touches the heart for these poor suffering people, act now with a commitment Monthly Donation here WORLD VOSION CHANGE FOUNDATION RS-HOPE FOR HOPELESS -
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